Converting campervans is quite a popular trend these days – many adventurous souls go for it, to lead life differently, on the wheels. If you belong to that league of extraordinary gentlemen, try to be a bit different. That will not only add more spice to your life on wheels but will bring back that good old 'at home' feeling more intensely.

So here are a few tips that you can follow to turn your campervan into your ‘home on the wheels’, aesthetically. But before we start, here is the basics. When you look for the campervans on sale in Perth opt for the biggish ones, which will have some additional spaces for you to improvise.
Work on the Walls
Paint the walls using shades that are generally found at 'conventional homes' or install innovative wallpapers. Set up wall decors like wall mats, posters, and postcards. This will make the walls more akin to their counterparts at real homes and give you that 'at home' feeling that you are looking for.
Be Mindful of the Lighting
Do not go for the plain and simple, blatant lighting set up that will make the interior of your motorvan more realistic than succulent. If you are looking forward to making it look more like home than a converted motorvan, go for those fancy lights and set them up at vantage points. This will create that typical bedroom tinge, which you find at your home. This light and shade meshwork will do the trick, creating that homely ambience that you will cherish!
Go for Some Basic Improvisations
Stick to the basics while improvising. Some campervans available in Perth come up with just enough space for a fully-fledged bed than those bunkers. Get the one with such a space, so that you have the bed of your choice. Get a nice blanket for your bed and couple it up with matching blinds or curtains at the windows. Window mats will also do, but make sure the mats are of contrast colour. Add a rug or a doormat just beneath the bed. You can also for a nice carpet if you like to add on to that. Get some cushion as well to transform the campervan from ‘blah’ to something cosy in a jiffy!
Add Some Colour-Here and There
Have some colourful coffee mug and crockery, a nice looking wardrobe, if there is enough space to fit in, and a few indoor plants here and there to add to that homely feeling.
So you see, these very fundamental adjustments will do a world of change, transforming your campervan more to a home than to a ‘vehicle’!
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