A motor home is a recreational vehicle that people love to spend their time on. However when you set off to hire or buy such motor homes put up for sale then there are a lot of things that you need to consider. This blog post has enlisted a checklist of all the things that need to be inspected. Follow up closely: Items to carry for inspection: You cannot go empty-handed when it comes to inspecting a motor home. So here is a list of things that you must take along with you for such inspections: Notebook and pen, Measuring tapes of at least 50 feet in length, Flashlight with fresh batteries, Screwdrivers and pliers, Tire pressure gauge and Engine coolant test strip. When you go to inspect the motorhomes for sale in Perth suburbs then you must thoroughly check the walls and roofs. Follow the checklist for a thorough inspection: The wall surface condition and the signs of leaks, seals or caulking, Check the doors, windows, screens and handrails, Look out for the lights...